Corliss Cavalieri: Unrolled / Unstretched

Untitled, 71 x 72", Oil on Linen, 2018, painting by Corliss Cavalieri
September 7, 2018 to September 29, 2018

Saturday, September 15, 6 – 8 PM

Fridays + Saturdays 1 – 4 PM

The work exhibited are paintings done in 2018. A small rotation of works will occur during the duration of the show on one wall of older never-exhibited paintings.


Artist Statement

I've painted for many years and have rolled paintings once dried, never to have had the opportunity to exhibit most of them. The venue at 1241 Carpenter offers a unique opportunity for me as an "artists space" by placing one older selected work on a wall between two paintings created in 2018, that stand as sentinels to their elder brother and sister works. The older piece will be rotated weekly, so the visitor, –if curious, should return throughout the duration of the exhibition and meet other members of the family.

image: Untitled, 71 x 72", Oil on Linen, 2018